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How to I get a Mentor?1. Join the discord at 2. Click on the correct Trello link for your region: EU: NA: 2. If you are looking for a coach, look for a blue tag color on Trello. Mentors will have the red tag. 3. Make sure when you click on a coach/mentor to look at what they can teach. If they teach the things you want to learn proceed to step 4. 4. If you meet their requirements you can now copy their format! 5. Open the DM's with the coach/mentor and paste & fill in their format (Keep in mind that there is no need to add them as a friend.) 6. If this guide was not helpful enough please check our video below!
How do I get a Brawl League Avatar?Brawl League Avatars are meant to be rare, you cannot buy them and rarely can they be traded. The following ways are how we give them away! • Live-Stream giveaways that are not tournaments • 5,000,000 Twitch channel points • Social media giveaways such as Discord & Twitter • Trial of Odin The trial of Odin is a rare event in which an admin will give you a random task to complete in order to get a Brawl League Avatar, these can be very strange such as Luca's favourite, drink pilk (it's gross).
How do I join Brawl League's Staff?It depends on what you're wanting to do; but take a look at the forms below as they're always reviewed. • Mentor & Coach Applications: • Ivaldi Replay Reviewer Applications: • Moderator Applications: • Special Role Applications: • Tournament Team:

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